showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Ogre Origin Systems (MicroMagic)1987 2010s 21stcentury future grid grid-hex hovervehicles hybridage-theme leveleditor nuclearweapons tabletoptiein tank tanks wargame labelimageminimize
After the War Dinamic1989 2010s 21stcentury city-newyork-ny future postapocalypse score labelimagesubject
E.S.S.  Tomahawk (Inference)1989 2010s future spacecraft labelimageminimize
Defenders of the Earth Enigma Variations1990 2010s cartoon crossover flashgordon future score thephantom labelimageminimize
Supremacy: Your Will Be Done  Virgin Games (Probe Software)1990 2010s future labelimageminimize
Projekt Prometheus Bomico (Software Agency)1991 2010s 21stcentury 3rdmillennium future interactivefiction wordinput labelimageminimize